Recent content by firetack

  1. Sudden loss of tackiness in battle II national

    Coat the rubbers with olive oil and leave overnight till the oil has dissipated,the tack should now be restored,this worked for me with Rakza z
  2. Vega Europe versus Omega 7 Europe

    Omega 7 Euro is very popular in our local leagues including the top players
  3. glue sheet usage

    Glue sheet holds ox lp better than glue particularly where the finger sometimes touches the pips. I like the extra stability and that the 0.1mm thickness of the glue sheet helps the grip when chopping and pushblocking,this is more important than passive reversal to me.
  4. medial epicondylitis

    Keep icing it,rest if it's hurting when playing..and yes as above light bat helps this worked for me
  5. The best way to GLUE Long Pips OX

    This method works for glue sheet also,important that the tape is not too tacky to avoid pips loss
  6. Donic Accuda S2 vs Bluegrip S2

    S1 was too slow on fh on def blade,way slower than a 2 year old t05,I reckon it could be OK on backhand of a faster lade
  7. Hurricane topsheet + Tenergy sponge

    Good effort. A tacky t05 would be my dream rubber,nearest I've got is a heavily spinmaxed t05 which has a mild tack but needs constant maintenance between matches. Any ideas how to make a grippytopsheet tacky? I treated it myself, many applications to get the slight tack No ball slip when the...
  8. Hurricane topsheet + Tenergy sponge

    Good effort. A tacky t05 would be my dream rubber,nearest I've got is a heavily spinmaxed t05 which has a mild tack but needs constant maintenance between matches. Any ideas how to a grippy topsheet tacky?
  9. Any way to remove ink from topsheet?

    Try meths,we used it in the print trade to remove inks from various substrates without any damage
  10. Is black tenergy softer and spinnier than red?

    The red T05 is more durable for me and reacts better to spinmax aqueous
  11. Can dignics rubbers be boosted to expand them?

    Falco long did very little for me to D05,even 2 or 3 layers
  12. DIGNICS 05 which booster to use ?

    Falco long had little effect on d05 for me,1 layer on ageing Tenergy 05 worked well I should revisit the d05 seems to have worked for others?
  13. Can you loop effectively with a thinner balsa blade?

    Black Balsa 3.0 spins Well with T05,these blades dampen well for ox lp even with a fast rubber on the other side
  14. Modern alternative to Samsonov Alpha
  15. Butterfly 05fx alternatives

    Xiom Vega Elite ,softer and slightly slower,spin is also less .Works well on Xiom Diva. Tibhar fx-s soft and slower,grip is a bit less