Recent content by InfermiteG

  1. Sweaty Hands :(

    i was thinking of using billiards gloves with only the thumb, pointer and middle finger being covered but have a feeling my sweat my break through it
  2. Sweaty Hands :(

    i sweat a lot in general so i dont think thats the issue at all.
  3. Rakza 7 Soft Alternatives

    looking for something in the similar hardness range since i like the feeling of the soft rubber on my bh while maintaining control since im more of a spin > speed type of player. will probably give xiom vega euro a try!
  4. Rakza 7 Soft Alternatives

    Just wanted to know some similar rubbers to Rakza 7 Soft from other brands like xiom, nittaku, tibhar, etc.
  5. Sweaty Hands :(

    Every time I play I actively sweat a lot, especially my hands. I noticed the issue is my rubbers usually wear out quicker than expected so now I can't serve with my hands on the rubber, only in shake hand position. Any tips with dealing with this? Thanks.
  6. Xiom AJH TMXI blade

    update: the seller has rakza 7 soft red on the bh so now its between hurricane 3 pro turbo blue or dignics 80. might go with dignics80 since its 1.9 and it'll make it lighter and ill save the h3ptb for my xu xin
  7. Xiom AJH TMXI blade

    Anyone have any experience with how the xiom ajh tmxi blade plays? considering getting it for a good price but i dont know what rubbers to use. currently have nittaku huricane 3 pro turbo blue and dignics 80 1.9 for the fh and mxp for the bh. is mxp a good option for the bh? between h3 and...
  8. Hybrid Alternatives

    also anyone has any idea on how 729 battle max pro? might consider that and apollo 5
  9. Hybrid Alternatives

    i mean my budget is under $30 a sheet hence why i was looking at yinhe and 729 but ultimately i might go with yinhe apollo 5 and/or moon pro, idk how hard moon pro m is but if anyone has tried please post a small review!
  10. Hybrid Alternatives

    also saw friendship / 729 battle ship max pro and friendship / 729 cross blue sponge, any of those good for the backhand? anyone try them out? cause im debating on getting either those two 729 rubbers for the bh or two sheets of yinhe apollo 5 for the backhand.
  11. Yinhe Blades

    is ali express reliable? im not too sure plus i cant find those specific blades i mentioned like the 896 and the n9
  12. Yinhe Blades

    so i've been looking at some cheap blades for my beginner friends and from my experience using the yinhe 896 wood it would be a good recommendation, but i cant find any of these blades anymore. also looked into the n9 and couldn't find that either. what happened? i would easily find them on...
  13. GEWO Nexxus series

    alr i shall stick to the el48
  14. GEWO Nexxus series

    i was thinking of having either nexxus xt 48 or el 48 on the fh and nexxus el 48 on the bh cause idk the diff between el 48 and xt 48
  15. GEWO Nexxus series

    was thinking on getting the aruna hinoki carbon with nexxus rubbers bundle on since 170 isn't bad when retail on the aruna hinoki is 150, but idk what nexxus rubbers to get, was thinking about el48 but idk. im more of a spin>speed person (spin over speed). what you guys think?