Recent content by Jongla

  1. Mizuno shoe model identification

    WOW - Indeed they are, cheers for the help!
  2. Mizuno shoe model identification

    G'day all, Wondering if someone can help me identify the shoe Mr. Gauzy is wearing in this video: It can be seen more clearly 2:15 onwards. Thanks!:cool:
  3. Dhs national blue sponge and the

    prott offers nice clothing!
  4. What table tennis rubbers & blade do you use?

    fh: H3 (2.15 - purple packaging) bh: blitz (47 deg) bl: mj szlc
  5. Champions League 2015/2016

    Great share!:D
  6. Fingernail Trick

    nice video!
  7. Win a pair of Donic Bluefire M1 Rubbers!

    Wang Hao is the 2014 German Open Winner