Search results

  1. TTD featured in Sun Newspaper!!!

    What a Christmas present for TableTennisDaily! The biggest newspaper company in the UK featured TableTennisDaily on their website today on the 21st December 2011! The sun newspaper averages around 7.7 million readers a day! I stumbled across TableTennisDaily on the as TTD was...
  2. Name this serve...

    Hey guys, I recently played a player who had the best serves I've come across and he served in a motion I have rarely seen used. I can't find a video of it and it may not even be called anything as it's rarely used but I'll describe it anyway and if you know what it's called or seen a pro using...
  3. Odd question on movement!

    Ok this might seem a bit nuts, but when you play a forehand do you move your feet even if the ball's coming right to you and you don't have to? For example (I'm talking about moving them with the stroke not between strokes)... Moving feet: Not...
  4. Is it true about Palio Thors?

    Hey guys, There's a bit of a Buzz around Palio's Thors rubber! Anyone tried it or want to try it? What did you think? Any blade recommendations that go well with it? Shaun
  5. Pro's Training on video... (Dimi and Rosskopf)

    Hey, I just come across a great video from BolleForte94 (presumably the same one as on this site). Anyway big thanks for posting this on YT mate... It's a great video!
  6. If you could improve one thing in your TT what would it be?

    Say for example you could have the shot of a pro or someone would coach on you one particular part of your game what would it be and why? I'll start: Mine would be my footwork as I think that's the weakest part of my game and what's holding the rest of shots back.
  7. Where should your balance be when playing?

    Basically I have a bit of a problem which is that I play with my weight on my left foot (see my blog post for more details) and I'm right handed which means I', not looping to well. Should my weight be on my back foot so I can move into the ball to loop and then transfer it back on recovery or...
  8. Whose the best player you've ever played against?

    Some of you guys must of played some really high ranked players! Who were they and how was it playing them? And, what made them so good. Were they doing the same as you but better (as in doing the basics to a really high standard) or were they doing different things you couldn't do (as in...
  9. What's a Kicker serve?!

    Hi Dan, Wow! Awesomeness, you run some great resources for TT. I posted this on your Youtube channel, but I keep hearing about kicker serves on Eurosport and can't find anything on google. :confused: So as the title says my question is what's a kicker serve?' I'm presuming it's a topspin...