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  1. Fh drive info

    hi guys, i have a question about fh drive technique: when i play this shot do i need to tranfer the body weight, like fh topspin stroke, or it's only an arm's movement ?
  2. New Easy blade

    Hi guys, happy new year to everyone! I'm writing to ask which blade i can use to add consistency to my game. I'm playing for 1year and half, i improved too much from the beginning. My game style is fast looping, now i can make good fh topspins against backspin balls and i'm learning the same for...
  3. Reverse pendulum serve - receiving

    Hi guys, i have one question: How do you return a reverse pendulum serve with backspin? Normally i return it with my bh to the opponents bh (sometimes to the fh, to not give always the same return). But this is a defensive return, i'd like to attack it sometimes. I feel comfortable to return the...
  4. Next rubbers

    Hi, my actual configuration is EL-P on my FH and Baracuda on BH. The blade is an Animus 7ply wood with a great feeling. For the next season I'd like to change my setup, i like ELP hardness and baracuda Grip. I'd like finding a rubber wich encase this two characteristics toghether. Some...
  5. BH differences

    Hi there.. in these last days I'm trying to develop my bh shots, starting from the serve receiving to the bh topspin (vs backspin the biggest problem). But i have some doubts: Which are the differences between a bh topspin and a service receipt (as banana flicks)? I mean: if the ball doesn't...
  6. Hui pang robot

    Hi, did anyone play with HUIPANG robot? I play with S6 PRO model, i'd like to know some practice exercise to improve fh but also bh shots. Ty
  7. Info setup and rubber

    Hi guys, i'd like to ask to anyone had experience with battle 2 rubbers. My blades: h301, fh black battle2 45°, bh red mx-s max. Tsp altero, fh black battle2 45°, bh red battle2 45° I'd like to know if different sponge hardness is better (for b2). And if it is a good configuration for me (i...
  8. Improve my FH topspin

    Hi all, i recorded one video of my Fh topspin vs. a back-sidespin with my robot. Could you give me some help? I'm detecting now how to do the weight transfer. I was a little tired in the video (30 mins of robot played before). 1 video is in slow motion. Thank to everybody will give me some...
  9. New italian player

    Hi all, i'm new in forum. I'm from Italy, i'm 31 and palying for less than 1 year. I hope to improve my game with your help! I'm playing with H301, FH battle2, BH MX-S.