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  1. why wait to dry the glue?

    Curiously, wet gluing is Soulspin's recommended gluing method:
  2. New Xiom blades?

    Thickness/density of the composites, directionality can all make a difference. While the thicknesses look pretty uniform, do we know for sure the composition is the same? The Hugo TMX and TMX LSS look like the blade surface has less visible wood grain compared to AJH/CDS blades. Combined with...
  3. New all-wood blade recommendations wanted

    The good old Korbel is a great blade with a larger head size that can make the setup feel head heavy. I personally think the Yasaka Sweden Extra may be on the slow side, but probably will get the job done. For all-wood blades, I particularly like the Victas Koki Niwa Wood and the Darker 5p-2a...
  4. Matches from a good angle to learn from where pros use W968

    @gordonluvsu I'm glad you took the time to clarify. I was skeptical, but open to the possibility that there are fundamental technique differences. That said, I'm inclined to agree more with @Tony's Table Tennis here. LJK/WCQ both transitioned from Viscaria to W968. Chen Meng went back and...
  5. Matches from a good angle to learn from where pros use W968

    I think people are assuming the blade has a bigger factor in shot selection/style than it really does.
  6. Should I "upgrade" my all-wood 5-ply Kiso Hinoki?

    Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. I did a back-to-back test of my 5p-2a against a W968 and it was just...too slow with H3. Trying to hit past a passive blocker (of a similar/lower level than I am) required me to overhit badly. Even with V20 DE it was far less dangerous than the...
  7. Advice for equipment upgrade

    If you’re getting coaching and are around USATT 1400, you could probably learn to handle Viscaria + Glayzer. Or try Glazyer 09c - most people complain it’s way too slow, but maybe that’s a good thing in this case. Alternatively, the Primorac sounds good, or even a Korbel. The Korbel I think...
  8. Should I "upgrade" my all-wood 5-ply Kiso Hinoki?

    Can anybody compare the 7PC to the 5p-2a? Or with other looping-focused blades (ie, Viscaria, Korbel, w968)? I found the 5p-2a to feel pretty good but with a slightly vague hand feel (could just be the hinoki softness), but wished for a bit of speed. Probably due to me using H3 - wondering if...
  9. Lin Gaoyan's Style and the Poly Era

    I don't think spin decay works the way you describe - if that were the case, you'd reach a point when there was virtually no spin on the ball assuming an infinite topspin-topspin rally. But that's not true, because each player is imparting acceleration on the ball with each hit. I think the...
  10. Chinese Trials for World Championships 2017

    Google's translation is accurate. Specifically, "the team hopes he'll get back the feeling of competing as soon as possible."
  11. Qatar Open 2017

    Wow, thanks a LOT for that breakdown. I'm not at a level yet where I'm able to break down pro matches like this, and this really does help. Particularly on 3. - I recall China Super League commentary touting WMY's forehand, and commentators mentioned that a lot of her opponents would be aiming...
  12. Qatar Open 2017

    New here (hello!) and I know a lot of the talk here revolves around the Men's competition. But did anybody watch Wang Manyu's games against Gu Yuting/Chen Meng? Kind of curious about the difference in performance - against Gu Yuting Wang Manyu had a lot of variation and was occasionally...