rubber backhand help

  1. Yasaka Rakza 7 soft vs Nittaku Fastarc C-1

    How does the fastarc c-1 compare to rakza 7 soft? Im looking for a soft rubber but maybe a little faster than rakza 7 soft. What other similar rubbers are there?
  2. Alternative BH rubber?

    I have been using the XIOM Vega Europe 2.2mm for a little while now and I love how it feels on my DHS301. Are there any other rubbers that kinda feel so ‘easy’ to play with? Im thinking about maybe buying T05 or D09 but im not sure how those play.
  3. Backhand rubber recommendation needed

    Hello friends, I'm currently struggling with my backhand setup and think i might need a change of rubber. I currently use a Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive copy (SDC custom blade) with Rakza 7 Max on both sides. Its perfect for my forehand, i get a lot of speed and spin and my forehand has...
  4. Backhand Rubber for Reverse-Penhold Backhand (rpb)

    What’s cracking my fellas, I am back once again to ask for your opinions and suggestions! To preface, I’m simply playing CPen as a side hobby, as I am currently maining a shakehand short pips. Therefore u can say that I am sort of a beginner at CPen even though I have the basics down as I’ve...
  5. Looking for short pimples for BH recommendations

    Hello everyone! I'm currently playing with Yinhe V14 Pro MX-S + Rakza 7. I'm looking to replace my rakza 7 with short pips as I want to have a more lightweight setup, less spin sensitivity, better blocking and better flat hitting (I rarely ever use BH topspin stoke so topspin capabilities of SP...
  6. BH Rubber

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a new BH rubber that will take me to the next level. I use the blade Timo Boll Spirit and Tenergy 05 on my FH. I found out that I need something a bit slower then Tenergy 05 with a bit more spin and control. By now, I came across with Tenergy 05FX, Roundell (normal...
  7. Looking for a good backhand rubber

    Can anyone suggest a good backhand rubber, I'm looking for something with a soft feel that will also be very good mid distance away from the table. I am not much of a backhand player so id like it to have a bit more control than normal rubbers like tenergy for example.