Who are the most powerful shake FH loopers of all time?

says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
I will wanna say Kanak Jha. He is not the most powerful FH out there. He is more of controlled topspinner. His FH topspin style favours consistency and placement. Not the HULK SMASH type, but more like Captain America type; controlled but persistent.

Secondly he does not use fancy-smancy modern tutti-fruiti type of stroke like chiquita or strawberry. He uses good ol'fashion blocks, push and occasionally BH drive. The kind of stroke us on the low amateur side can relate too.

He is the perrenial underdog we all can route for.

Go Kanak, I wish you all the best.

P/s: I purposely do not want to name the usual suspect but instead opt to showcase some of the lesser known athlete or rather Tier 2 level type but whose talent are still excellent.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Moving away from the CNT and Koreans (apologies to Lee, Jang etc.) a bit, listing some guys who hit the ball hard, some of whom are superstars, others whom you have to see live or watch their peak matches to appreciate their Super Saiyan levels.

Quadri Aruna, Ovidlu Ionescu, Hugo Calderano, Alexis Lebrun, Florian Borrasaud, Patrick Franziska, Darko Jorgic, Jakub Dyjas.
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Wang liqin only best in power. Liu guo liang said that before In an interview. Speed not that good. Compared too same Gen teammates like Ma Lin and Wang hao.
Yes but the topic was about power, hence that's why I think WLQ is uncontested.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Wang liqin only best in power. Liu guo liang said that before In an interview. Speed not that good. Compared too same Gen teammates like Ma Lin and Wang hao.
What does speed mean? You mean the ball velocity is lower than Ma Lin? Or you mean Ma Lin attacks ealrlier off the bounce?
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Active Member
Jun 2023
What does speed mean? You mean the ball velocity is lower than Ma Lin? Or you mean Ma Lin attacks ealrlier off the bounce?
Speed meant the reaction time give to the opponent is short in TT. As you play TT many years you should know , the ball goes from your racket, what generated power? Not only your arm strength, it combined your body weight your swing speed and the spin you generated. If just power, bodybuilder should wins all.