What sealant do you use?

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I use regular, water-based polyurethane for most of my blades, and oil-based if I want to add a touch more speed, or if it's got outer plys that are more prone to splintering.

In both cases I wipe it on a very thin coat with a rag, then wipe off any excess immediately afterwards. One coat is plenty, especially with most non-thinned oil-based polys I've tried -- two coats of that stuff and you blade gets as stiff as a surfboard. 😂😂

With the oil based poly you usually have to sand the blade lightly to get any grip with your rubber glue, especially if it's a thinner formulation. Water-based poly usually doesn't need as much sanding. I a light rub down with 240 - 400 grit is more than sufficient.
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