Recent content by Lazer

  1. Thinking about switching to DHS Hurricane 3

    It will probably not help You much. H3(and neo) will give you the best spin hen brushing the ball. When hitting through it is more difficult than with Mark V. It is possible to get plenty of spin with Mark V. I suggest You wait until You have a well developed stroke. The ball will probably...
  2. Shakehand on a J-pen blade?

    That looks seriously uncomfortable. I see in Your profile it says "home made Kiso Hinoki 1-ply"... What I would do I would customize the handle on something similar. :) Cheers L-zr
  3. What happened to Darker?

    I did a direct comparison Sunday. - Darker 7P-2A - My current favorite Soulspin Basaltec inner. - Nittaku excellent J-pen 1ply The only one that felt really special was the Nittaku. The Soulspin actually felt more lively than the Darker. They all had different rubbers so of course this...
  4. What happened to Darker?

    Those properties are hardly noticeable on a multilayer blade actually depends on other layers. My soulspin blade with spruce is actually more “Hinoki” like than my SDC which has a Hinoki top layer, not Kiso though. I bought it on a weekly sale maybe a month ago. Cheers L-zr
  5. What happened to Darker?

    On a multiple layer blade at least, spruce has a somewhat similar feel to hinoki. I think Soulspin is using Italian Spruce. Cheers L-zr
  6. What happened to Darker?

    I just got a Darker 7P-2A from tabletenniss11 and tested it together with my Nittaku j-pen excellent that I got approximately at the same time. The j-pen excellent is a 9mm 1ply kiso hinoki and it has a much better distinctive feel than my 7P-2A, much more aliive. Cheers L-zr
  7. Beginner looking to build a solid racket

    Don't worry, if You want Rozena get it. Its not too hard. Cheers L-zr
  8. Post your latest EJ purchase

    Good luck… I have a “life time” supply of rubbers I need to change them really often before the waiting ones gets too old… And I’m up to 20+ blades now… I think JJ Ng is ahead… Cheers L-zr
  9. Tibhar / Butterfly

    For BH absolutely, haven’t tested the FX version but I think the normal is soft enough for me. It’s a rubber that has a softer feel than it’s rating. Cheers L-zr
  10. Nittaku Genextion VS Nuzn 55 VS Tenergy 05

    Tenergy 05 is a semi soft bouncy and fast rubber which is a night mare in the short game. STAY AWAY unless you are really confident… If you are in between average and advanced I would recommend Tibhar Hybrid MK. Cheers L-zr
  11. Post your latest EJ purchase

    Yes you can certainly do that, but beware of the E.J bug… Cheers L-zr
  12. Beginner looking to build a solid racket

    Naa, G09C is not particularly fast. For that you need to hit really really hard. It’s very hard and kind of dead though. I still like it, but I like H3 a lot better. Cheers L-zr
  13. Beginner looking to build a solid racket

    If it’s Primorac carbon no no no. If it’s the 5 ply all wood Primorac why not… Cheers L-zr
  14. Which Rubbers suit me?

    Inverse of each other... :-) Cheers L-zr
  15. Tibhar / Butterfly

    Havent played with Aurus, but I dont like any of the Evolutions (Havent tried ..D's yet). Hybrid MK has some catapult but not too much, its pretty fast though. Havent tried C-1, but I like G-1 thought it was almost 2 years ago since I tried it. I like Hybrid MK because of the excellent grip and...