Recent content by TensorBackhand

  1. 2024 Sanwei Target 3 National

    That's weird hardness. Not H39 and H40?
  2. Aliexpress Sales 2024?

    Aliexpress just started a new sale with a few decent offers. I got a Loki telson China blade for $30, also a Rxton 9 for $15
  3. 2024 Sanwei Target 3 National

    How much is this purple one? Why are there 3 versions of target 3? I see silver, red, and this purple. I just ordered a silver one to try.
  4. Dignics 09c is amazing

    I still agree with your wife. I really find Jupiter 3 and BD and those to be just as good (fast, spinny) as anything but with better control than ESN or D09c. I really want to like D09c. Actually I like it on the BH where I don't seem to have problems. It's really on the FH that I can't seem...
  5. Dignics 09c is amazing

    Why was it hard to get used to?
  6. Dignics 09c is amazing

    I'm curious in what way did K3 change its character?
  7. Dignics 09c is amazing

    How did you find the control and consistency? You mentioned shots into net and overshooting.. I always had the problem of the ball dropping off the rubber, not grabbing the ball.
  8. Experience with some other Loki rubbers - Arthur China, GTX Pro (inc)

    I think you may be confused. The Loki rxton 3 rubbers use the Chinese hardness scale. The Telson is on the Euro scale.
  9. Are double fish rubbers any good? Any idea about this rubber? Whats the difference between this and Volant Phoenix?
  10. Experience with some other Loki rubbers - Arthur China, GTX Pro (inc)

    So it's faster and spinnier than AK47? It sounds like it must be really good. In what way is it less than T05? Is it same speed and catapult?
  11. Loki Arthur Pro ZLC

    Why would it be slower than Long 5 if it has pbo?
  12. Sanwei 75 inner carbon is a great blade

    Did you write a review for Pro 01? How is it vs Viscaria?
  13. Loki Arthur Pro ZLC

    How is inner pbo vs limba-inner blade?
  14. My Personal Guide to Rubbers on Aliexpress
  15. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    Are you referring to Donic Bluegrip A1? What is the difference between K3 and A1 in your experience? Which one is faster/bouncier?