Recent content by Tyce

  1. Hurricane 3 neo

    I second this part: if you need to work on your consistency, why are you looking to change equipment? If you feel like your equipment is troubling you in terms of concistency, and you need to change it to rebuild, opt for slower, more controlled equipment rather than a rocketship dream.
  2. What are your top annoyances about assembling your own table tennis bats?

    Top annoyances I've personally had: Misaligned rubber that was already cut Having different headsize blades Another one I've seen: when your glue suddenly goes bad for no reason.
  3. Racket unchanged

    You mean the same blade (wood)? Absolutely. That's actually pretty normal. When you find a blade that works well for you, it can easily last for years unless it gets damaged
  4. Building a custom TT paddle as a beginner

    Playing any sort of Anti should be a conscious choice, in my opinion. Don't get Anti if you aren't sure if it fits your playstyle. It's going to be very hard using Anti a bit further behind the table for instance, because most Anti take out spin and speed. That being said, Super FX is an...
  5. Why don't Pro's just do serve that comes back to their side?

    Nah those two are posted above already iirc. I mean: Serve, 1 bounce on own half, 1 bounce on opponent half right behind the net, immediate drop into net.
  6. Why don't Pro's just do serve that comes back to their side?

    I've been thinking about this, and actually the "best" serve here wouldn't be one that bounces back - but one that jumps right into the net after bouncing on the opponent's side. Preferably on the upward motion so that it never gets high enough to be slapped in any way. I think I have seen one...
  7. Advice for equipment upgrade

    The Korbel can still get along nowadays, just change the rubber to something slightly more advanced (faster, spinnier, whichever direction you want to grow in) and you can easily still use the blade for more years
  8. Any attempt to play in an competitive environment ruins this sport for me (rant)

    I've been in this situation twice now, the second one being right now actually as I'm starting league play next season again. First time was when I went from junior to senior league, this was before the ratings were introduced here. I had to start in the lowest division. And guess what, I...
  9. Any attempt to play in an competitive environment ruins this sport for me (rant)

    There is one other option: go play a few tournaments individually to build a ranking. I know a few players who don't play league, either for time constraints or just because they don't like it, but they do play tournaments
  10. What the H3LL did I get myself into this time....

    When I read the title, I thought you were hinting at boosted H3 on your 1-ply 😅
  11. Sanwei 75 inner vs DHS power g5x

    I may have had a dud, but that would have been four duds, two red two black. The top sheet was a mess, it was so unelastic I could dent it with my finger and it would stay that way for 5 seconds. Good to hear there's also working sheets of it 😅
  12. Sanwei 75 inner vs DHS power g5x

    Please, please skip Loki Rxton 1. Its quality is worse than most premades. Rxton 3 is a gigantic improvement, if you insist on a Rxton take that instead. Or Palio Ak47, or a few of the other options mentioned already.
  13. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    Do you stick rubber on more often than maybe twice before you change blades? Then yes. Plenty of blades are more fragile than that, and plenty of glues are sticking pretty aggressively hard, too.
  14. Beginner requiring help in selecting between Killerspin Jet 200 vs Killerspin Jet 800

    To answer your question, between the two, the 800 will teach you more in the long run. That being said, if you aim to get proper training, you'll find yourself quickly outgrowing the (spin!) capabilities of any pre-made bat. Even with a crappy bat, you can keep training footwork and placement...
  15. Conspiracy theory being played out vs defensive styles. Follow where the money goes?

    In amateur leagues you can often find pips players who just never change their rubber. But to get a bit of nuance, you can also find plenty of inverted players who never change their rubber. I don't think it's really a pips thing, rather just a combination of stinginess and unknowing