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  1. WTT Star Contender Ljubljana 2024 06/11-16

    Why does it look like they're playing in the middle of a hockey rink?
  2. The Sky Toss.

    I always laugh when I see tosses like that. It doesn't do any more than a toss of 3-4 feet. A TT ball has a pretty low terminal velocity. Since it's so light it can only fall so fast. Never did any scientific study but you can observe it doesn't go any faster after a certain height.
  3. Why don't Pro's just do serve that comes back to their side?

    I've always thought about this too. If the serve is really close to the net and low it's almost impossible to attack. The only way to receive it is to punch chop and you have to really be on your toes to react instantly. For shorter players it's even more difficult since they will need to run...
  4. Why are only women in chinese crowd/ fans?

    They have nothing better to do???
  5. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    K3 is probably the longest lasting hybrid I've tried. Last longer than Dragongrip, and faster than "bluegripe" but not as long as H3. The closest I would say that comes to K3 is Xiom Omega7 Guang. But Guang is slightly harder. After trying all those rubbers I ended up using Rakza Z but boosted.
  6. Anders Lind discussing illegal serves

    Which is exactly why I practice an illegal serve. If you can't beat them join them....
  7. Anders Lind discussing illegal serves

    But what about amateur tournaments? You can't just choose not to play. I've actually thrown a game against a guy who didn't serve correctly. But it just hurts yourself because nobody cares at the amateur level.
  8. Anders Lind discussing illegal serves

    Yes! Finally someone that speaks out. I've noticed the same thing too and it's getting worse. People are always trying to push the boundaries until they are told not to. It's just like little kids. They test the boundaries of how far they can push the parents until they're told not to...
  9. Chinese girl fans in every single tournament

    Ok, if these fan girls are so passionate about supporting Chinese TT then why are so many staring into their phones during matches??? I'm sure they miss a lot of points because they're not even watching.
  10. Advice on badminton shoes (for table tennis use)

    I've tried badminton shoes for TT before. I didn't like them because the soles are much stiffer and they have a higher center of gravity. They are much more durable however they're also heavier.
  11. New Hayabusa 2024

    It looks like Xiom is bringing back the Hayabusa line for this year. It looks like the handle is slightly thicker around the throat area. Besides a new paint job what's the difference between this new one and the older generation that I love and still using?
  12. Nittaku Genextion is out

    Sounds interesting but for that price I'll stay away from it just like I do with BTY rubbers.
  13. Saudi Smash 2024

    What about the men's side?
  14. Saudi Smash 2024

    Kinda weird why the CNT would announce Olympic players in the middle of a tournament. Couldn't they have just waited until the day after? Maybe they don't think this tournament is very important so it was no big deal if players got demotivated.
  15. Ma Long will not play 2024 Olympic singles

    He can work on his golf game now.
  16. Can I bring many rackets with different setup to a tournament?

    But if one racket gets damaged during the game and cannot continue to be used you need a spare or else you could forfeit the match.
  17. Ball dispensers at pro events

    Just so people don't complain about kicking the bucket when they're playing....:LOL:
  18. Empty Seats at Saudi Smash

    Maybe by holding organized events they hope to grow the sport. Whether there are spectators or not at least there's something legitimizes the sport to have organized events instead of playing at a community center or gym.
  19. Ball dispensers at pro events

    I"m not talking about a machine that spits the ball out. I'm talking about just a tube larger than the diameter of a ball that just holds the balls until the end one is pulled. Then the rest of the balls just roll down. Something simple to hold balls until the player pulls it out.
  20. Empty Seats at Saudi Smash

    Well in the US there isn't as much interest in TT. At some of the early league games here you can hear only crickets in the stands. Even the finals only had maybe a hundred spectators. And I bet most of those people are related to the players.