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  1. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    It's stupid how expensive everything has gotten.
  2. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    When the average income is 800€ then 45 is quite a lot. Welcome to eastern Europe.
  3. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    H3 is supposed to be boosted and isn't known for its feel. Speed is good but need power input to feel it. Plus, it has no catapult.
  4. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    For me it's expensive, I can't justify it for it's performance.
  5. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    It's objective, jupiter is a good rubber. fast and spinny. it's 15 bucks. Glayzer feels much better, but is slow af, and almost non tacky, at 45 bucks...
  6. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    I used to play unboosted 41° hurricane 3. I'm just fine with these rubbers. Having that said, glayzer is a piece of shit, and jupiter 2/3 are simply made to higher standards, speed/spin and react even better to boosting while costing 1/3rd of the price.
  7. New rubber from Loki?

    Nah, Loki has the most clear marketing and information🙄
  8. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    Grow up, jupiter 2 is better.
  9. New rubber from Loki?

    Saw this browsing on AliExpress a while ago but forgot to post about it. Has anyone given it a try? Looks like it's intended for backhand use.
  10. Short review of Glayzer 09c (don't buy)

    If I want to boost a rubber I'll get a hurricane 3. Not a so called hybrid. That's what the hybrids are supposed to save you from, the need for boosting. It's useless then. Hurricane 3 becomes a beast with booster foe half the price. Much faster, much spinnier and more effective to use.
  11. What are your top annoyances about assembling your own table tennis bats?

    I used to like the whole thing but I'm just tired of it. Bored of research, bored of gluing and cutting, I just wanna play.
  12. Best 42-43⁰ range backhand rubbers

    Speed: fxp >= s1 > r42 >= euro = rakza Spin: s1 > r42 >= fxp > euro >= rakza Hardness: s1 > rest The rest are pretty much the same. Fastarc has bity but hard topsheet.
  13. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    It doesn't matter, if you practice you can handle shit. Also I used the clipper for 1 year, not 3. The rest was the rock hard intensity.
  14. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    Exactly. Hell, I got the viscaria because I didn't know jack back then. Didn't care, the face of that damn thing peeled off though and it's part of the reason I was searching for another blade. I did want something slower to help me get back into the sport and the clipper was recommended to me...
  15. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    I had to play with clipper because I hadn't touched a racket for a year, thanks quarantine👍
  16. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    I've heard C53 from andro is also a really good rubber and it's not that different than k3. Also bluegrip C2.
  17. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    I'm not a talent. In the same way that I manage throttle I manage power. Never did I say or recommend people to start with carbon blades. I said do whatever you want and whatever you like cause it's a sport we play for fun. Open your eyes and stop putting words in me I never said, good? Good.
  18. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    It's simple really. I never had issues racing cars in the same way I didn't have issues playing with carbon. It's up to you as a person, some can't handle 100hp, others can get something powerfull and with a strong mind learn it inside and out, same here. Carbon isn't the devil, control it.
  19. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    Non taken, you don't have to aknowledge my thoughts, get outta my sub.
  20. DHS hurricane neo 2 or neo 3?

    Hurricane 2 is a product of a bygone era, no reason to use it. H3 has a better curve, more spin and better ease of use and effectiveness. Hurricane 2 is useless.