Leszek Kucharski teaches stretching

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
I think if you could try to translate this with subtitles, like all of your videos they would be very helpful and you will get alot more views! :) Now i think it do not give me so much because i never understand what he is saying.
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Dec 2021
I think if you could try to translate this with subtitles, like all of your videos they would be very helpful and you will get alot more views! :) Now i think it do not give me so much because i never understand what he is sayin
He's not saying anything groundbreaking that requires subtitles. These are mostly standard stretching exercises. He just says what to do e.g touch your left leg with your right hand and then just counts 1-10 - each exercise is 10 seconds. You can see what to do in the video and then repeat the movement, hold the position for 10s.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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The form of the people in the videos is pretty bad. Like the guy nearest the camera on the right side keeps turning his feet out which means he is avoiding a good part of what the stretch is intended to do. Also, those bouncing movements while near end range of movement are pretty bad for you.

In the one where the knees are out and the feet are together, the way they are grabbing the outer edge of their shoes and pulling the front of their feet up, THAT IS TERRIBLE FOR YOUR KNEES. That is at 3:41.


What this guy in the screen shot is doing, eventually that is going to be torn cartilage in the knee (torn menisci). To do that to your foot with your knee bent, you have to be twisting both your knee and your ankle. Forgive me. But this is almost like a video of what NOT to do.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Actions in this pose that would bring you a more effective stretch would be: a) to move the knees out and down towards the ground; that would deepen the stretch in the inner thighs; b) to move the chest forward and down, closer to the feet: that would deepen the stretch in the inner thighs and lower back. But all pulling the feet away from the ground does is damage the knees. Twisting ankles is not so great for you either but your ankle can handle more rotation than your knee can so that is much more dangerous for your knees.