Tricky question about a head heavy Cybershape Wood!

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Nov 2021

One of the kids (11yo and thin, but with good technique and trains a lot)in our club are playing with a Stiga Energy Wood V2 but now experimenting with Cybershape Wood.

His Stiga Energy Wood V2 weighs 184g with rubbers. Now the tricky part! He tried two Cybershape Woods with the same rubbers the first one weighs also weighs 184g but he thinks its feels heavy, he played with it for a few hours. I guess its because its head heavy and he has thin wrists. He tried another Cybershape Wood 174g and he thinks this weight i better just by holding it in his hand.

The whole point of changing from Energy Wood V2 to Cybershape Wood was to let him play with a faster blade not a lighter blade. A lighter blade can make it more difficult to block and gives less power. But maybe the lighter Cybershape Wood is still faster and alright to block with?!

Any thoughts from you guys?

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Active Member
Aug 2023
I reckon he should keep playing with that head heavy blade, he’ll get used to it eventually. I remember when I switched to my first professional setup and then to a head heavy DHS blade I felt the same way both times but got used to them after a couple of weeks. His loop is gonna be more powerful both from close and especially away from the table so he should definitely try to keep using that new blade.
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Nov 2021
If he keeps feeling severe pain in his wrist, NOT soreness, then he should stop using it.

I reckon he should keep playing with that head heavy blade, he’ll get used to it eventually. I remember when I switched to my first professional setup and then to a head heavy DHS blade I felt the same way both times but got used to them after a couple of weeks. His loop is gonna be more powerful both from close and especially away from the table so he should definitely try to keep using that new blade.
Thanks this sounds good.
says Looking for Frame
I just started testing the cybershape wood and I don't find it headheavy at all. It feel great in balance.
Maybe the handle is thicker so he picks it up different?
My cybershape was 87gr and 152 with rubbers (long pips so lighter).

But if he feels pain he should not use it. I had the same with a butterly korbel sk7 frame.
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Oct 2014
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One of the kids (11yo and thin, but with good technique and trains a lot)in our club are playing with a Stiga Energy Wood V2 but now experimenting with Cybershape Wood.

His Stiga Energy Wood V2 weighs 184g with rubbers. Now the tricky part! He tried two Cybershape Woods with the same rubbers the first one weighs also weighs 184g but he thinks its feels heavy, he played with it for a few hours. I guess its because its head heavy and he has thin wrists. He tried another Cybershape Wood 174g and he thinks this weight i better just by holding it in his hand.

The whole point of changing from Energy Wood V2 to Cybershape Wood was to let him play with a faster blade not a lighter blade. A lighter blade can make it more difficult to block and gives less power. But maybe the lighter Cybershape Wood is still faster and alright to block with?!

Any thoughts from you guys?

The body usually adapts if you do it slowly over a period of time. But if he has to play and train aggressively and cannot do exercises to build strength, stay away from it to avoid creating an injury that will make it harder to play. But if he is able to practice with weights (shadow stroke with 2lb dumbells for example) away from the table, go slower for a month or so and grow into it, it makes sense to stick with it.