Xuperman Powerplay-x: A Rubber by Xu Xin

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
Didn't Xu Xin ask Adam Bobrow for permission to trademark Xuperman? I think it is in one of the video made by Adam.

I think it is very gracious for Adam to give Xu Xin permission to use the Xuperman phrase. It is so cool! Just the name.

I love Xu Xin and his style. I rooted for him for many years. He is so entertaining. Yes everyone can see if he plays "more seriously," his records would be better. But he likes to go away from the table, start fishing and only counter when he sees a chance. I am sure he enjoyed his style.

So maybe he is not the most decorated Chinese table tennis player ever (I mean titles wise, we can all agree Ma Long, Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui, Wang Liquin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin, Zhang Jike, Fan Zhendong, etc. etc. all are much more decorated titles wise than Xu Xin). But I really really hope his Xuperman brand will bring him some serious money! Xu Xin deserves it!

I cannot image how much sweat, hard work it is to just even make it past the provincial team to the national team. Every single one of them plays hurt all the time. They train like 6.5 days a week! It is time for Xu Xin to live a comfortable life and the Xuperman brand of clothing, rubbers and blade is going in the right direction.