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  • high throw
  • quality handle
  • durability
  • long arc
Hey you can find one of my review but after 10-20 hours the blade breaks without any reason, you can find my thread here:) will not say more it is not first time when koto zlc is breaking very fast, the quality check on this construction is the worst I ever seen. You remember the process of SUPER ALC "it took about 10 years from the first blade prototype to the launch of this new product as we faced various challenges in creating the new Super Arylate-Carbon fiber material" that 's the highest level of being lier . Butterfly lies and lies for their consumers and this is the reason you must think twice if you want to buy any butterfly blade because I don't like when someone lies and gets paid for their lies, Japanese producer should be ashamed with their mind tricks, there is no Lean Production (they sold 5 years old blade in 2021), Six Sigma, no MUDA, no Poka Yoke because no one cares why KOTO ZLC IS BREAKING, no VSM because they value only your money, no quality check (you can see pink kiri core not white core). They really broke their Japanese tradition as being leader of production. China is the leader and everybody knows about that. They didn't use any of magician tricks because they work harder than any Japanese brand. The distributor consumer service (not main place, Germany OEM is cool) is one of the worst. Boer have better consumer service. This is my review and this is soft and easy to broke blade because the flex is very high and they didn't even test the composition, you must choose your poison but it is not worth any stars.
  • nothing
  • expensive
  • low quality
  • expensive
I have a lot of Polish fans so I will make review in two languages.I had 3 badges of Michael Maze alc and 3 badges of Marcos Freitas alc. This is bad blade....quality of the ball is probably the worst from every top level blade. I had all of them, I can judge them and this is not worth to mention. Timo Boll ZLC, faster, flexier better pleasure and quality. Every Marcos Freitas alc has the same problem. The ball is going forward even with the highest throw of composition but the spin is low. I don't need to elaborate how this blade works, but it is too bouncy for even Pro players, example Joao Geraldo top player in France, he used it a lot with Dignics but he played 10th times better with Innerforce layer alc. He can use everything because he works like nobody but for us "not pros" this is bad choice and I am scared why people use to write here a lot of good reviews, it is probably first good sight, honeymoon trip, after 4 months you will have problems with back and knees because you must work like nobody and the ball is coming back, there is not too much spin, but balls come back and you must back to your main position from left to right. First sight is trapMiałem 3 sztuki tej deski i 3 sztuki deski Michael Maze alc, to jest zła deska. Jakość piłki jest jedna z najgorszych w porównaniu z każdą topową deską. Ja miałem większość premium desek. Mógłbym je oceniać ale nie jest to warte wspominania, np Timo Boll ZLC, szybsza, lepiej się odkształca i dodaje lepszą przyjemność i jakość. Każdy Freitas ma ten sam problem w porównaniu 3 egzemplarzy. Piłka leci przesadnie do przodu nawet z jej kompozycją która się odnosi do odejścia deski bardzo do góry, po za tym rotacja jest bardzo słaba przy tej windzie. Nie potrzebuje by rozwodzić się jak ta deska pracuje, ale jest zbyt skoczliwa nawet dla zawodowców, np. Portugalski czołowy zawodnik w Francji, on używał jej cały sezon z Dignicsami, jednak jak przyszło co do czego dużo lepiej grał deską innerforce. On może używać deski jakiej chce bo pracuje prawdopodobnie jak nikt inny, jednak dla nas nieprofesjonalnych zawodników to jest zły wybór i jestem przerażony dlaczego ludzie tutaj napisali tyle dobrych recenzji, to jest pewnie związane z pierwszym dobrym wrażeniem, podróż poślubna itp, po 4 miesiącach użytkowania, będziesz miał problemy z plecami, kolanami ponieważ będzies musiał pracować jak nikt, a piłka wciąż będzie wracała. Tutaj nie ma za dużo rotacji, a piłka wciąż wraca, a Ty musisz wciąż wrócić do pozycji z lewej do prawej. Pierwsze dobre wrażenie to pułapka
  • high arc
  • quality
  • touch
  • price
  • bouncy
  • stiff
hey guys viewed 2766 times so it will be first review hereit is not my favourite blade but one of my favourite compositionkoto zlc like Timo Boll zlc so I used 3 badges of TB ZLC, I enjoyed them more than Zhang Jike ZLCI had 2 badges of ZJZLC, one from 2015 year and letter P+ very flexy+ very soft+top level quality+reminds me ZJK SUPERZLCcons:- bouncy - no control- empty- OFF+ in short game, but not very good control for OFF+ blade in 2metres looping- very aggressive- the cons makes this blade unplayablemathematical formula of disaster is VERY SOFT blade + FLEX+ STIFF COMPOSITE= Tornadoif you arent good enough to play hard rubbers, it won't work for me Second badge from 2017 (with green diamond so after little changes)- bouncy (dumb feel but not bad)- stiff+slow+good touch+good control+medium hard + good for looping+ good for medium hard rubbersit is not disaster from guy who can play forehand and backhand topspin but if I will have chance to use one of koto zlc blade I will choose Timo Boll ZLC because it is lighter and more user friendly because it is not that stiff
  • control
  • spin
  • Dwell time
  • Less popular
  • Heavy
This is the most underatted blade in Butterfly family. It is expensive...stiff...soft...springy...but you have more than you wish from your price.
Good spin, control, but dwell time is like waiting for Taxi in New York... You love that and I think it is better than Apolonia because it is more control and feeling oriented blade than spin and power so you will enjoy more than only Woody inner alc
  • control
  • spin
  • block
  • not popular
Ok. My first review will be short.
This is special blade which feeling is very soft but not very fast.
You will love zip from this blade, the sound is very different.
You will feel every shot on the rubber and every spin from blade like this is not normal when you use this high end equipment.
Every expensive blade is made with special quality and super duper artificial material but find me blade for amateur which will be great in terms spin/ feeling and won't be too fast. You will buy extra fancy blades from every company and it won't work because reality it is not the same and if you think you will play better with special equipment from different company because you love this player or something it won't work. I had Butterflies/Joola/Donic/Gewo/Victas/ Xiom this is the most good feeling blade from the most expensive blades