Latest reviews

  • Speed
  • Spin
  • Quality
  • thin handle
  • expensiv
The best blade out there for player who like to be agressiv close to the table with fast or really spinny attacks.
I started using this blade 2008 and my game stepped up immediately by 2 classes.
The durability of this blade is just incredible because the carbon makes the blade really stiff and the arylate provides that awesome feeling of control while brushing the ball thin.
It performs the best with T05. In my optinion there is no better blade in countertopsinning close to the table.
I also tryed H3 on the forehand which improved short pushing spinny attack close to the table, but lacks to much power against heavy backspin and counterspinning from half distance.
I would recommend it to agressiv players who have a really fast swing and play dominant with the forehand and like to step around.If u got that lifting Backspin is a piece of cake and the ball stays pretty low even with tons of topsin because of the low trajectory.Even though the blade still provides more than enough speed to perform great in half distance.
For me personally the only downside of this blade is controlling the backhandtopsin is a struggle,because you have to close the rackethead quite a lot.
Pushing,blocking and short recive is also not that eazy but the blade makes that up with it´s amazing offensiv capabilities.