Recent content by Alkadara

  1. WIN Signed Blades by China - WTTC 2013 Comp

    That's a hard one... I'll say Liu Shiwen for the women and Ma Long for the men. I'd prefer Ding Ning to win, but her shape doesn't seem so great lately... :(
  2. Chinese Women's WTTC Trials 2013

    Unfortunately, it looks like this trial became a "last (wo)man standing". Fan Ying had to give up, so did Guo Yue, Li Xiaoxia's injured, I think Wu Yang is too, and Liu Shiwen and Ding Ning look terrible in their last pictures... So the survivors can go to Paris ? I didn't really understand how...
  3. China has a new Sponsor!! Jan 2013

    You're right, it looks pretty weird.
  4. Women Pro's vs Men Pro's (VIDS)

    T!Christian : you're welcome, I'm a bit of a know-it-all and an Olympics nerd. XD
  5. Women Pro's vs Men Pro's (VIDS)

    It's actually a bit more complicated : Ye Shiwen (that's her name ^^) was competing in 400m and 200m four styles, and her global results are below the men's time. However, she impressed everyone because her last 50m in the 400m were extremly fast, faster than the men's champion Ryan Lochte, so...
  6. Women Pro's vs Men Pro's (VIDS)

    Prithwin : I hope she was ! But this dress story made me kind of angry at the moment, since I saw the images of the Chicago event just after reading awful comments on youtube about the looks of Chinese players. Things like "they look like men, they behave like men, they're a shame for sports...
  7. Women Pro's vs Men Pro's (VIDS)

    Actually there was a discussion about that in the Olympics about shooting and archery : in these sports, women achieve results pretty similar results than men. Some were wondering why these sports were not mixt. These being said, you can also discuss if shooting is a sport. ^^
  8. Women Pro's vs Men Pro's (VIDS)

    I'd like to add for Ding Ning's defense that her dress is ridiculously impractical, that's adding a disadvantage. (From my experience, a girl who feels the need to pull down her skirt more than once per minute is obviously uncomfortable !)