Recent content by fifi91

  1. 2010: a Great Year for TT. Your comments?

    Best Moments is when i get to see in youtube how timo boll played.. he is a genius in table tennis for me..
  2. How to control nerves in a tt tournament..??

    during tournament i often feel nervous..specially when i can see others play better than me..some say that if i can have a good coach then i will be a better player.. But everytime i play and every time a score i'll just let my feelings out by sayin " sa" hehehe
  3. Free Viscaria Blade - Prize Draw!!!

    I want the viscaria blade because never in my life i can afford that kind of blade. I want it because i know it can be the first step i can improve my skills. I want it because we don't have it here in our place. I want it because i know it can help me play better. I want it badly because it is...