Recent content by lucaminuti

  1. Training with 2 tables - CHN (VIDEO)

    i this every week with my coach.... you get better footwork and more endurance during a game... also its hard as hell
  2. Ma Long will not play singles

    on the other had wang hao has a lot more experience as he played in two Olympics and ans even has 2 silvers in the singles.
  3. Ma Long will not play singles

    I think that this is because Liu Guoliang is lop sided and is favouring wang hoa over ma long as when wang hao encountered zhang jike in the last year, zhang jike won most the encounters and Liu Guoliang may be thinking that if he comes against wang oa in the final, zhang jike would win gold london.
  4. Mizutani tests NEW ball 2012

    hi, i've tried the new balls and they are very strange at first till you get used so them. in some of the shot like mentioned above the side spin -top spin it is nearly impossible to and chop is very hard to put on the ball. also the ball feels super light when playing with it. if the new balls...
  5. The best wood blade

    timo boll alc, peter korbel and timo boll off are the best in my opinion