Recent content by RIPPER

  1. Tokyo Olympics 2020 | Draw | Results & More

    I think Fan zhendong has a very tough road to the finals, timo boll in quarters, and then probably harimoto or lin yun ju in semi! Whats peoples thought on harimoto v pitchford?
  2. Tokyo 2020 | 2020/7/24-8/9

    yes very good point about boll, as timo must be so so keen to finally perform in an Olympics, so he has a chance perhaps, will be an interesting match!
  3. Liam Pitchford on defeating Ma Long | TableTennisDaily Podcast #1

    Haha will put his mortgage on it, 2021 now harimoto improving all the time, olympic delay gone in his favour?
  4. Yasaka Rakza Z and Rakza Z Extra Hard rubbers

    intersting stuff yogi thanks for the review! will hopefully be able to try rakza z soon, i definitely think the rakza series is a good option, i have used rakza 7, 9 and x and like them all, all offering something different
  5. After boosting has gone from DHS H3 NEO what have you got ?

    You can.look at different degrees of hardness as well
  6. Tack of the rubber gone

    Don't put coca cola on it, that's ridiculous you'll ruin the rubber,
  7. Ovtcharov posts a photo of his blades

    Be interesting to see his blade when it comes out
  8. 4 New Colour Rubbers Confirmed!

    wow this will be interesting, was watching timo bolls video other day where he mentions black is generally ever so slightly heavier than red makes me wonder if the new colours will change this....more importantly if it will be distracting if your opponent has the brighter colours
  9. World Table Tennis Macao 2020

    Also, this really is the revamp that table tennis needs to make the sport more attractive and appealing! Cant wait to see how it develops and promotes the sport! Great to have it delivered in a professional way
  10. World Table Tennis Macao 2020

    Loving the commentary from you Dan, so good to hear commentators that know what they are talking about and giving proper analysis! Also very exciting to listen to!
  11. Boosting H3 Neo National

    Hey DinoL, thanks for your post, im interested to know where did you get your hurricane from? thanks mate
  12. Boosting H3 Neo National

    hey vik2000 im interested to know where you bought your hurricane from? as there are a lot of fakes out there!
  13. Taking On The World's Best Table Tennis Serves!

    Interesting video guys, yeh be interesting to see him serve anywhere on the table, you got to really be on your toes as got to be prepped for the long ones, very tough id imagine
  14. Dan (TTD) and Matt (MHTT) Interview [VID]

    I thought you guys raised some really good points here! Matt really agree with your views about marketing the sport more and trying to get more involvement from the crowd. Reminds me of our sports marketing classes days. ;) In regards to exhibitions would definitely be good to get spectators...