Recent content by thomasschreyen

  1. Article: Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    When you maked this video i was standing after you ;)
  2. Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    When you maked this video i was standing after you ;)
  3. Article: Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    When you maked this video i was standing behind you ;)
  4. Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    When you maked this video i was standing behind you ;)
  5. With some luck a tt World top 50 player will join this forum! ;)...

    I am pretty sure if you ask young people to join like Ovtcharov or Baum that they will join this site if they have the time ;) I hope it will work ;) greetz
  6. T

    Comment by 'thomasschreyen' in media 'Timo Boll in Training Hall at WTTC 2011'

    I was there on same moment :) I have a lot of pics of that ;)
  7. What makes you play table tennis???

    If Table tennis was easy it would be called football :p
  8. What is the best alternative for Tenergy 05?

    The donic Acuda 1 is vert close to tenergy 05 but i still not chanched but I tried already ;)