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  1. Tuttle World Number 1

    I've ordered this Rubber from Custom Table Tennis and I was wondering if anyone has tried it out yet ??? It's a Chinese Hybrid rubber with a very Tacky top sheet and a Faster Sponge !!! Super value at £7.99 delivered for a pre cut Rubber!!! Will have to see what's it's like compared my Nittaku...
  2. New Set Up

    I've been with my Blade for over 15 years and have never thought of changing as Western Red Cedar 9mm one ply blade. Since I've been playing with Medium Pimples I thought I would try a new blade so I went for Dr Neubauer Matodor with Nikkatu Sieger PK 50 black 2.0 mm on the F.H and Dr Neubauer...
  3. The Chinese Domination of Table Tennis!!!

    I've just watched most of the World Championship and I've enjoyed it so much !!! But the gap between China and the rest of the world is getting bigger and I believe that is so bad for Table Tennis!!! I just can't ever see this changing anytime soon !!!! The Chinese mental strength is massive...
  4. Palio WP 1013 Medium PIps

    I've just changed my set up and after 3 sessions I'm really happy. I've put Tenergy 05 Hard on my F.H the first session was tough as it's been a while since I've used such a hard Sponge!!! But wow now I'm getting used to it I'm hitting outright winners with outrageous spin!!! I didn't think I...
  5. Nets !!!!

    I really hate losing points to a net !!!! I also hate getting points with a net !!! I always apologize to my opponent as I know how much it bothers me when it happens to me !!! If I could change the rules I would call a let whenever that happens ,so games are won by skill and not a lucky net...
  6. T.S.P Curl P-H ?

    Have any of you used T.S.P curl P-H Mine has a 1.5 m having a lot of fun learning how to get the best out of it . It's a challenge but I'm really enjoying myself!!! Any help would be appreciated 👍
  7. Are Drinkhall and Jarvis injured ?

    Just seen England's line up for the team world champion at China!!! Can't see us getting out of the group with that line up !!!! Are Drinkhall and Jarvis injured???
  8. Me on my Robot ?

    Me on my Robot 🤖 This is me doing a Push B.H topspin and F.H topspin with my robot with the backspin turned up to the max setting !!!! Any advice would be greatly accepted 😃 p.s I know I need to lose a stone or 3 lol 🤣🤣🤣
  9. What a comeback!!!!!

    Was very fortunate to watch a final between Lin Chinese TPE v Ruwen Filus. Lin was cruising 3-0 when German defender Filus did the unthinkable and won the next 4 games!!!! What made it more remarkable was he didn't even have a coach!!!! He must have some amazing mental strength!!!! So good to...
  10. The best height for a male table tennis player

    I was just wondering what you thought the best height for a male table tennis player was ??? I think 5f 9inchs !!! I believe taller players are at a disadvantage as they have to stay lower which isn't natural to them !!! It just my opinion!!!! What do you think 🤔🧐
  11. Serving or receiving in doubles???

    I've watched a lot of doubles matches lately!!! It seems to me in the professional game that pro's would rather receive a serve, as it so hard to keep a serve tight in doubles!!! Do you agree with me ????
  12. Felix Lebrun Verity of service

    Just watched Felix Lebrun and I don't think I've ever seen a professional with so many different types of services!!!! Was really impressed how he used them with the rest of his game !!!! A top career ahead I think 🙂