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  1. Coronavirus impact on TT clubs

    I think I have to stop going to my local club for a few months as I am afraid of getting the bugs. How about you guys?
  2. Rakza 7 softmax quality issue?

    I am not sure if anyone who plays Rakza 7 soft max has same issue with it. I have been playing Rakza 7 soft max for > 2years and very happy with its performance. Recently I bought some offered 4 for 3 price at tabletennis11. The first lot (4) quality was not consistent. I thought it was...
  3. How to glue OX rubber to blade without glue sheet

    I create this post as I've seen a few discussions on how to glue OX rubber. Glue sheet is ok but a bit more expensive. Here are the steps. 1. Put OX sheet with paper cover down on a cutting board. 2. Tape the edges on the board with Scott tape but leave the one with manufacturer mark out. 3...
  4. Table Tennis rules in doubles

    Playing doubles is fun. But the fun is gone when someone insists it is your fault thus cost you a point in a friendly match. 1) Can you serve the ball and hit the middle white line? 2) Can you talk to your partner during the play? 3) Can you talk to your partner just before the play? Thanks,,
  5. What do you think about folks who love to bet a little money to play matches?

    I find these folks so annoying. They say without betting (even a dollar) they won't play too seriously. I'd think it is their problem as I always play seriously in any matches against anyone but I am not the person who likes to bet (I don't like to gamble even a quarter as winning or losing do...
  6. FS: Used Zhang Jike Arlylate Carbon blade

    I've had this blade for 2 years. Bought it from a member in my club and not sure about authenticity. It is a fast blade, too fast for me as I have changed to defense style. There is a small damage spot on edge as shown. Price $80 shipped to anywhere in US. Paypal is welcome.
  7. Hi .. player needs help with choice of blade

    Hi all, Just joined the club here and need help to choose which blade will fit my rubbers/style. I am playing with Hurricane 3 on forehand and long pips Butterfly Feint Long II on the backhand. I have been using all+ Butterfly TimoBoll blade but think an upgrade of blade like carbon for...