Search results

  1. Table Tennis Shoes

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a new pair of shoes for playing, and need some.recommendations, and opinions from the forum.. First a brief about myself.. The surfaces are usually on a hard tiled surfaces, and occasionally on wooden and mat surfaces.. I'm in my early 50s, weighing in at around 75kgs...
  2. Blade For Medium Pips

    Hi, I've been playing for a while with Long Pips,.. A couple of months back, a fellow club-m8, gave me a used sheet of Dr. Neubauer K.O 1.5mm .. It's been lying with me for a while, and now, I'm thinking of trying it out .. I've played a bit with MPs, here-n-there, borrowing MP setups from...
  3. Yasaka Rakza 7 vs Nittaku Fastarc G-1

    Hi, I'd like a comparison between Yasaka Rakza 7 & Nittaku Fastarc G-1, preferably from players/members who've played with both, and on the following parameters.. Spin Speed Grip Bounce Arc Top-spin (Along with Ability to lift back-spin) Blocking Flat-hits Over-the-table pushes Weight Hardness
  4. Lightweight Medium-Hard Rubber

    Hi, I'm looking for suggestions on Lightweight, Medium Hard, medium-bounce, fast'ish rubbers, to pair with a thin balsa-core blade.. Currently, the only Rubber I can think of is the Palio AK-47 Red, and I am happy with it, for most part .. However, I'm looking at something better, in terms of...