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  1. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    I was looking at that table. I was considering this table though, since I’d have the option to finance if I wanted too.
  2. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    I don’t think I would be moving it much. I will have a dedicated spot for it. (My basement)
  3. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    Nice table. A little out of my price range. Looking for Canadian / American websites as well
  4. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    Thanks! I’ll check that site out for sure. Do tables even go over 1 inch thickness?
  5. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    I was told to aim for one at least 3/4” thickness for the table top for consistent bounce and durability.
  6. Looking for recommendations for an indoor table for competitive play

    Do brands matter? Or is it all in the thickness of the table? I’m looking to spend around 1000$ Canadian. (800 USD)