Search results

  1. Which cleaner do you like?

    At home, I've been using the PRO-SPIN cleaning kit that I bought from Amazon. It's been doing a decent job for me, and it's affordable, too, just $13. At our office in Lafayette, we've got a different setup. Our cleaning company, Going Green, uses JOOLA, which I picked up from Walmart for...
  2. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    also tennis is solving my boring problems haha
  3. Need more advices on how to further improve forehand stroke

    play as much as you can it will get better with time
  4. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    Tennis is the only sport i play with that much joy
  5. Moon 12 Blue on sale!

    ooo thank youu
  6. Why do people say LP's should be banned?

    personally i dont have a problem with them either