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  1. 3 star 40+

    Review by 'aznalanx32' on item '3 star 40+'

    The ball does not break as easily as others. Its roundness is comparable to other quality balls. The quality between each ball varies from time to time, but that's just a plastic ball problem.
  2. Infinity VPS V

    Review by 'aznalanx32' on item 'Infinity VPS V'

    Used with Hurricane 3 Neo, Hurricane 8, T80, T64, Bluefire M1, Nittaku G-1, Acuda P2, etc. This blade is a solid choice for control. Although it is not as powerful as a Viscaria, it provides enough power to finish a point. Blocking and doing pretty much anything close to the table is a ease with...
  3. Hurricane 8

    Review by 'aznalanx32' on item 'Hurricane 8'

    This rubber is spiny, powerful, and controllable in the hands of people who know how to use it. Whether it is boosted or not, this rubber will stick to most blades.
  4. G-1


    FastArc is one of the ideal built in tension offensive rubber which pursues "Fast" and "arc". The most suitable combination between power sponge and hard top sheet can create extreme strong spin ball.