Search results

  1. Changing paddle during match

    As people have already said - You can only change your racket if it is damaged to the point of it either being unusable or no longer legal, however the damage MUST be accidental! However, contrary to a previous post, there is no rule or regulation that states you have to change it to a similar...
  2. Service rule question

    Law 2.6.7 states - Exceptionally, the umpire may relax the requirements for a correct service where he is satisfied that compliance is prevented by physical disability. I've seen it done with a cast that either the server projects the ball upwards off of the surface of the racket or from the...
  3. Play table tennis in Bracknell area

    Link to their site here
  4. Play table tennis in Bracknell area

    Not sure what the times/prices are but try Kingfisher
  5. What Is Your Favourite Table Tennis Rubber Of All Time?

    My favourite was Joola Tango Defence on my backhand - speed glued. Awesome control, lots of spin and because it was 1.2mm sponge it was rock hard and punched/killed like nothing else! Not quite the same without glue though :(
  6. New Contest.

    I like Shinkansen While it's literal meaning isn't that appropriate (new trunk line), it is more often called (in English) the Bullet. The trains in Japan based on these held the rail world speed record for nearly 20 years.
  7. TIBOR KLAMPAR - First Speed Glue Player

    Wonder when the 6" toss on service rule came in - Liang's serves are mostly straight off his hand!? Good vids though.
  8. Whos your favourite player currently, and a why?

    I've always admired Waldner and Wang Liqin. I think it was incredible how they dominated and changed the sport in their eras. While there have been some fantastic (and possibly/arguably better) players since I don't think any of them have had the same impact. For me I could watch these 2 all...