Search results

  1. Handling (severe) injury (experiences, tips)

    So just as I was making some progress, I broke the arm with which I play limiting me to watch TT videos and follow the EJ stream. Have you had similar cases? Did you do anything special to recover faster? When after 2 1/2 weeks I had the first physio without cast, lifting the arm was a strange...
  2. The importance of feel

    Rumor has it that what separates players of highly different levels is really feel for the ball. Surely there is technique, power, spin, consistency, tactics, but there is also such a different touch on the ball. Once we played our youth trainer who is like five divisions above or rather he was...
  3. How to boost the CNT contenders?

    There was some discussion in the Qatar 2018 thread on what Calderano should do to become a serious threat to the "big" Chinese players, like e.g. - and the main theme was about how the elite non-Chinese should train more among...