
  1. How to explain why somebody must be passive when exercising

    Hello, I got into a heated argument with my dad about how we should practice. We both aren't TT geniuses and don't really know how to play much, but I took a few practices and there I learned some exercises. In almost every exercise one player was active and other one was passively returning...
  2. from passive to active(part)

    Being a doctor i can tell a good therapie. Others do substances i prefer pinpon for that. So hi to everyone from my living room and merry christmas to all EJs.
  3. balance between active and passive play

    hey guys, mostly it's recommended to play active, e.g. looping seems to be much more important than blocking. this also transfer to equipment. the argument about too fast equipment is one of th most mentioned. the chinese philosophy states "power from the ground" with a slow blade and hard...
  4. please recommend BH rubber easy for passive block , control on Timo Boll Spirit

    Hi Now on my BH is EL-S and it lose of durability so I want to try other rubber such as Vega series , EL-P , Rasanter R series for me EL-S max sponge it feels too much speed , I am looking rubber like EL-S butt less speed and easy for passive block and ball placement . Thanks for your suggest
  5. How do i stop being passive as a player and become the offensive player?

    I feel like i have trouble playing against other players on when i'm not going to my club but at college. Like i push long on the serve and it enables them to forehand topspin to my side leaving me no choice to play the ball back but safely. I go far from the table when i do this from numerous...