
  1. Do players like Dimitri change their equipment due to sponsorship with other brands?

    I got some news from early 2020 that Dimitrij Ovtcharov had signed a partnership with Butterfly (one of the biggest table tennis brands). If he now sponsors Butterfly, does he change his equipment (blade or rubber)? For example, Dimitrij's blade is Donic Ovtcharov Senso. Does he change his blade...
  2. Pro Players And Sponsorship: What Do You Think

    These quotes and the idea of the subject came from a different thread. What do you think about these ideas: Brabhamista's is an excerpt. Sorry I did not use the whole quote but it was long and only a small part was about the subject. I hope you don't feel this is out of context. But feel free...
  3. Huge sponsorship for CCY PP Stadium

    Chuang Chih Yuan's Chih Yuan The Ping-Pong Stadium receives a 10 year sponsorship worth $2million from Hon Hai (Foxconn) Chairman Terry Guo. Hon Hai is an electronics contracted manufacturing company (most of your phones, computers etc are built from them). Business Tycoon Terry Guo is the...