adidas p7

  1. Nittaku Tenor , Adidas P3&P7 Review.

    Hello everyone :o First of all i must say this forum helped me in so many things and i cant express how much i thank you guys. Welp...i received these beauties a while ago and just now i assembled them. As im not an expert, just a newbie EJ, my focus will be about the feeling and try to...
  2. TT Website Ratings Charts -Your thoughts?

    Rubber-Blabe Ratings Charts -Your thoughts? I am looking to buy Adidas P7 for my forehand. [Xiom Zetro Quad cp - Xiom Sigma II Euro -BH rpb]I am looking for a high throw very high spin rubber. Thoughts?But as you know it is a major task sorting out fact from fiction and manufacturers hype.Yes...