
  1. Warped blade drying time

    Hi, I have an old warped Korbel FL black tag and I tried to straighten it with the help of this tutorial: http://www.instructables.com/id/Straighten-warped-table-tennis-paddle-bat-racket/ The blade is now drying under the press. Does anyone know approximately how long it'll take? Thanks
  2. Applying pressure during drying period of glue

    Is it really necessary to apply pressure when the glue is drying after u glue a new rubbers to the blade. I'm talking about the long period not using the roller when you gluing the rubber
  3. Drying the glue with a hairdryer

    Hi My coaches use a hairdryer to dry the glue, which speeds up the process by A LOT. I was wondering if this does anything to the rubber/glue? Like if the hot air does anything or etc.