
  1. 5 Most Effective Strategies To Win At Table Tennis!

    Hey guys! In this video we show you 5 effective match winning strategies that will help you improve your game and results. We demonstrate and explain how to implement these strategies as well as showing real life match examples of them in action. What match strategies do you use to win points?
  2. Is regluing rubber effective?

    I bought a racket same time a friend. Petr Korbel All wood and Sriver and Sriver fx. He just reglued his and it feels bouncier. I just bought that racket for 2 months.
  3. Is falco long booster effective in Dhs huriicane 3-50 and other chinese rubber?

    i m heard that haifu seamoon booster is good for chinese rubber.can falco long booster as effective as haifu?
  4. Why doesn't Tim boll's FH and BH drives look attractive and effective in matches?

    I looked some videos of Boll training at Borussia Dortmund. The amount of power and spin produced during each stroke was so overwhelming to me. No wonder, he has been in the top for over a decade. But, when he plays in a real tournament, I feel his strokes aren't that powerful and spinny as it...
  5. Slow starter - most effective warm ups?

    Hi guys, I've got slow starter syndrome...meaning it usually takes me 15-30 minutes of play to warm up and hit my stride. Unfortunately that means often losing my first game or two. I am wondering what your most effective warm up is to get you in the zone for game one. Go for a quick run? Do...
  6. Most effective serves

    Hi all, What's your most effective serve? For me, backhand serves are good for a few points, especially the half long topspin type but then your opponent gets used to it and you have to change. Having a variety of serves up your sleeve keeps them guessing, but I would never imagine having to...