
  1. Courses for Fitness Trainers for Table Tennis

    Hello all, I would like to know as to what qualifications/knowledge should a Table Tennis fitness trainer possess ? Are there any courses which trainers undergo (Generic sports or TT specific both) ?
  2. Need fitness training advice for competitive table tennis

    Hi guys. I'm looking into improving my fitness for table tennis. I'm quite satisfied with my current technical skills in the game but after about 3 full table tennis matches of best of 5, I'm quite beat and won't perform at my best in the next few games. Becoming quite passive which is a waste...
  3. Fitness program for table tennis players

    Hello lately ive been rhinking a lot about the training session table tennis players are going throughout their years of training. I wanna know how do you (coaches or self training players :p) think a program of fitness of table tennis player should look like? I mean: -what muscles are the most...
  4. Fitness Regime

    Hi Guys, seeing as it's "Off Season" here in australia, I've started a fitness regime in preparation for next year's big tournaments, hoping to qualify for the Australian Open =D Who here has an outside table tennis fitness regime and what do they do?
  5. fitness and tabletennis

    My question is, is fitness bad for your game. I mean i know when you just go to the gym to run or do some light weights its ok, but is lifting heavy weights really that bad? If so please tell me why. Because I love to go to the gym and lift heavy weights, just to get a little bit more...