
  1. Keeping in high form constantly esp. vs worse players

    Keeping in high form regularly esp. vs worse players Hello. Perhaps my biggest problem right now is consistently playing at a sufficiently high level relative to my own max. It's not that I keep losing all the time because of my laziness, more so the opposite: I know I can win against the...
  2. Keeping loose strokes

    Hello all, Has anyone come across some good information on how to keep your arm loose at all times? In drills and training I can easily keep all of my strokes loose however when it comes to a game situation and I let the body go on auto pilot I find my arm muscles way too tense and flexed. Also...
  3. Keeping Rubbers clean. How to do it?

    Hey guys I tend to use only water to keep my rubbers clean. But after sometime they tend to get all greasy due to daily practice. How to keep it really clean and make it last longer?