
  1. [LHTT #57_KOR Coach Lesson] Hellish Last 3 Minutes

  2. [LHTT #22_Chinese Coach Lesson] 3 Minutes Footwork

  3. 20 minutes of Jun Mizutani serving

    Just saw this video look how deceptive Jun Mizutani's serve is at 3.45 I don't think I have ever seen him use it in a match? It sure looks good! :cool:
  4. 24 minutes per game

    Hi all, I've just came across with this weird news. http://www.rp-online.de/sport/andere/tischtennis-weltverband-ittf-plant-weitreichende-regelaenderungen-aid-1.6707273 In the upcoming games that will take place in Hong Kong there will be a time limit per one game - 24 minutes. And mister...
  5. Anywhere to Play in Florida?! within 30 minutes of panama city?

    Saturday is my flight out and my old thread never got any responses so here's my second attempt. At first my thread was just saying panama city and not florida so I'm hoping there was just some confusion on the location I was asking about. I would love to hit with or play with ANYONE while I'm...