
  1. Using smart watch as a coaching aid

    I was wondering if there were any strategies or tips for using a smart watch as a coaching tool. As it is wearable during play, and offers lots of possibilities, I was curious if anyone has developed tips for use. Things I have thought of are: List of strategies and tactics that can be...
  2. Tennis sensor / smart watches

    Hello, has anyone tried USENSE tennis sensor in table tennis? Seems interesting. Shot speed, swing counts, daily analysis, etc. Or can you suggest some similar equipment?
  3. what would smart table tennis racket be like?

    Hi guys, my name is Anders from Sweden - Gothenburg, and I am a hobby (office) table tennis player. So, couple of days ago I was at an event at Spotify and there I met one guy who says his startup is about developing an attachable device for the table tennis racket that gives statistics about...
  4. What does a TT geek do with a smart phone?

    A TT geek realizes that smart phones now have accelerometers built in and downloads an accelerometer app. The the TT geek swings his smart phone like he is looping a ball and records the acceleration in 3 axes X, Y and Z. What the TT geek discovered is that one can swing the phone much...