
  1. Information to help you understand something about spam bots

    If you quote the text of a spambot, and you include the links that the spambot posted, you are doing a great favor to the spambot and a great disservice to everyone on the forum. If your post includes the spambot's links, those links will forever be on the web even when the thread seems to be...
  2. Why is there so much spam on TTD?

    Just trying to get my head around why there is such an incredible amount of spam turning up each day. Why don't other forums get the same amount of junk? I know ooakforum went through a similar onslaught some years back - want to buy a kitchen, anyone? - but it appears they've managed to find...
  3. "Spam" on the forum

    Hey all, not sure if this is the right place to post on this issue, but lately, i've noticed a lot of... 'spam' on these 'deals' and 'products' that they are selling that are completely not related to table tennis. A post with the title like: "sell cc -cvv ccv cheap and good" comes up a lot...