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  • Here. Send me at this address:

    [email protected]

    If you send the photos, I will post them.

    I took a quick look at your instagram page. You will see a like on one of your photos from me. :)
    Thanks, i have already been uploaded by imgur, strange thing but it didn’t work from the first attempts. For now my post is as cool(has photos already) and informative as it should be?
    If you don't want to use imagur or another site to load your photos for the for sale thread, you could send them to me and I will load them. If you want to send them to me, let me know and I will give you an email address for that.
    If you be so kind, i prefer to send it by email to you. Would be lot more easy for me, thank you for that
    So give me please, an email and i send them photos right away
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