FH Ruber?


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Apr 2019
I am searching for intermediate rubber all play - pushes, topspin on backpush, counter loop, etc...
Also, I prefer soft rubbers with more arc, spin, not to fast, light with control.
I am aiming towards Tibhar MX-P on fh - I tried it quickly and it's not hard sponge and mostly I like is that ball stays on a grippy rubber for a while so it helps to generate spin.
On MX-P I don't like is that is reather heavy (at least I got feelin). Currenlty I plaxy rith Andro R42 - all is ok, just ball does not stays on rubber as on MX-P while making topspin.
Tenergy 05 fx is not ok for me, because it reacts on incoiming spins to much.
Anyway, I was thinking on:
- Tibhar MX-P
- Xiom Omega iv euro
- Nitaku C1
Any comparisson, expreience from description I wrote (weight, is gripy (does ball stays on rubber while makling topspin) how about arc, hardnes, arc, etc...?)
Any recomandation?
Also, I prefer soft rubbers with more arc, spin, not to fast, light with control.
You are describing Donic Baracuda!!!

I tried MX-P before. I did not find it very grippy. MX-S seems to be grippier.

I am using C-1 on my backhand. It is soft and light with control. It is hard for me to judge spin because, well, any ESN rubber cannot generate as much spin as my Hurricane on the forehand side. Quite frankly, most of the ESN rubbers are pretty similar except the top sheet and how tacky it might be (there is a movement toward hybrid or tackier top sheet along wit harder sponge; back then, MX-P sponge was hard enough but apparently not! MX-P 50 degree came out. Now 50 degree is considered "soft" for many players' forehand).
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
I am searching for intermediate rubber all play - pushes, topspin on backpush, counter loop, etc...
Also, I prefer soft rubbers with more arc, spin, not to fast, light with control.
I am aiming towards Tibhar MX-P on fh - I tried it quickly and it's not hard sponge and mostly I like is that ball stays on a grippy rubber for a while so it helps to generate spin.
On MX-P I don't like is that is reather heavy (at least I got feelin). Currenlty I plaxy rith Andro R42 - all is ok, just ball does not stays on rubber as on MX-P while making topspin.
Tenergy 05 fx is not ok for me, because it reacts on incoiming spins to much.
Anyway, I was thinking on:
- Tibhar MX-P
- Xiom Omega iv euro
- Nitaku C1
Any comparisson, expreience from description I wrote (weight, is gripy (does ball stays on rubber while makling topspin) how about arc, hardnes, arc, etc...?)
Any recomandation?
You want a rubber that can do everything. Sounds like you are looking for a control oriented all-round rubber.

  • Rozena
  • Baracuda
  • Rakza7
  • Vega Europe
  • Donic M2 / M3 and the likes of it.
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You want a rubber that can do everything. Sounds like you are looking for a control oriented all-round rubber.

  • Rozena
  • Baracuda
  • Rakza7
  • Vega Europe
  • Donic M2 / M3 and the likes of it.
I second this selection with maybe the addition of the donic acuda series as well as the Joola Rhyzen series.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
Active Member
May 2020
Read 1 reviews
You want a rubber that can do everything. Sounds like you are looking for a control oriented all-round rubber.

  • Rozena
  • Baracuda
  • Rakza7
  • Vega Europe
  • Donic M2 / M3 and the likes of it.
These are the rubbers that you want, the mxp is a rocketship, I would lean towards the baracuda and vega europe df.


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Apr 2019
thanks to all,
I tried Rakza 7 and it's to hard, not feel of rubber that grips the ball.
Also I tried Xiom Vega euro and it's far away from what I am searching - specialy grip.
Isn't baracuda hard and not controled rubber?
Does C1 has spin, arc, control, grabs the ball?
How about Donic M2 - spin, arc, grip, control ?
How about Donic S2 - spin, arc, grip, control ?
How about Tibhar EL-P - weight, spin, arc, grip, control ?
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R7 Soft is not contoble rubber - to much catapult. Tx anyway.
I used Rakza 7 soft and C-1 on my backhand, interchangeably. They are pretty similar.

Everyone plays differently. I find Rakza 7 soft to be very controllable. Is it a little bit catapulty? Yes but that's why it is soft. If there is no catapult effect, then the ball will be just dead upon hitting a soft sponge.

If you find Rakza 7 soft to be too much catapult, then you should avoid the evolutions series: MX-P, EL-S, etc. they are all more catapulty than other ESN rubbers mentioned above.

Baracuda is not hard.

M2/M3 is a good suggestion too.

C-1 is worth a try.

Rozena might be too catapulty for you if you find Rakza 7 soft to have too much catapult effect.
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Apr 2019
I used Rakza 7 soft and C-1 on my backhand, interchangeably. They are pretty similar.

Everyone plays differently. I find Rakza 7 soft to be very controllable. Is it a little bit catapulty? Yes but that's why it is soft. If there is no catapult effect, then the ball will be just dead upon hitting a soft sponge.

If you find Rakza 7 soft to be too much catapult, then you should avoid the evolutions series: MX-P, EL-S, etc. they are all more catapulty than other ESN rubbers mentioned above.
Baracuda is not hard.

M2/M3 is a good suggestion too.

C-1 is worth a try.

Rozena might be too catapulty for you if you find Rakza 7 soft to have too much catapult effect.


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Apr 2019
Thanks JJ, mostly I am interested in yasaka c1. Can you give me compare c1 with mx-p, about does rubber grabs a ball for a moment, so you can feel the ball on rubber. What about speed, spin, arc, control? Any other info?


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Apr 2019
Tx, for replies, any experience with nitaku C1?... Does suits characteristics that I described in begining of post...?