Im losing faith in the sport

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Sep 2022
Hey Jan
I don't know you so I'm going to respond accordingly, apologies if it seems too bullish or bossy.
But my honest take on this is two things (1) attitude and (2) comparisons.
Your attitude seems bad but it seems bad because of what you are comparing yourself to.
Ya gotta fix the attitude man, whatever it takes. Now I know that may not be easy but take the time and effort to work hard on this mental aspect, doing this will teach you so much , about yourself and almost everything, and will benefit you your whole life. A few tips are be more grateful, practice gratitude, smile and just get on with doing what you can as best you can.
The comparisons thing is especially a problem for young people nowadays, social media has created fake lives, false perspectives and too much shit for people to compare too. It's all bollox!!!
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday,
Not who you were last yr or 6mths ago and certainly not to anyone else. End of.
You say you're 22 so you'll in all likelihood get back to where you were and some! But attitude is really everything.
That's my take on it anyway. In the meantime I'd say have fun, get fitter, read good books and get at it like there's a fire under your arse!
Best of luck dude 😎 👊