What game are you playing now?

says Aha, sorry. Trodde du var en annan Millesom spelar i...
Hello Friends,
Currently i am playing one cf my favorite "Bubble Balls" game. like this game very much. This game is very interesting to play. Please share with us what game are you playing now? I am waiting for your reply.

Fallout 4 for.PC..... I am an. Rpg~player since1989....
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Jan 2020
The last one was Arcania but I remember the parable of Arcanum best about machines and magic.

Gothic was before the last
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
I play the original StarCraft.
I also play WarCraft 2 and 3.
but most of my game time is play StarCraft.
BTW, once upon a time I played in a USCF chess tournament. I got a rating of 2057 in my first tournament. Making money took a higher priority over playing chess.
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Active Member
Aug 2016
In my free time? lichess on my phone for a quick game.

But normal gaming right now it's Starcraft 2 (SC2) & fortnite.

I'm usually not into shooters but my wife & I started playing a little fortnite with my two brother in laws and my nephew which has been a fun, funny family experience.

I'm also getting my brother in laws into SC2 which is simply great. Not sure why i didn't jump into it years ago given i like RTS