WTT Finals Men Doha 2023

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
QD says taking G2 was crucial.

FZD says he entered the game quicker than he did in the previous match.

LGY says he remained firm and didn't let his guard down even after having the lead.

WCQ says the match was far closer than the match score indicated, especially in G2, and that he is not satisfied with his own performance.

Yuan Licen/XP

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
As WCQ said, he didn't play that well. He served into the net at 9:9 of G1 and he trailed in G2.

Harimoto was also trying out new things according to his latest interview. He gave up after G2, likely saving it for the upcoming WTTC 2024.
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Active Member
Mar 2023
As WCQ said, he didn't play that well. He served into the net at 9:9 of G1 and he trailed in G2.

Harimoto was also trying out new things according to his latest interview. He gave up after G2, likely saving it for the upcoming WTTC 2024.
Harimoto can say whatever he wants, but his acting should speak for him and not his words
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
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Oct 2022
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Am I the only one who finds it a bit deflating that after the great WTT Champions Frankfurt, Lin Yun Ju quietly loses to the Chinese #4 in round 1 of this tournament?

I know we are used to this, but still... it should put the comments of notorious Harimoto critic, TensorBackhand, in context...
It seems folks only remember the LYJ in Tokyo 2020. To be honest, his overall result should be much better.

巴黎男单夺冠概率分析 (Paris MS odds of winning analysis)
咒術少校 灣林高了 實際上他除了上次冠軍賽勇奪冠軍 我沒記錯的話他完全沒有其他具含金量的成人大賽單打冠軍 連洲際冠軍的頭銜也沒有
摩托能連續擊敗小胖 他分也低了 應該跟灣林交換
IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-12-12 14:56
[Tai]Wan Lin is overrated. In fact, besides winning the WTT CS, if I remember correctly, he has no other with-gold-content senior singles titles, not even a continental title.
Moto can defeat Xiaopang twice in a row. His odds are also underrated. He should switch with [Tai]Wan Lin.

麻辣虾尾: 湾林东奥发挥好,属于大赛体质,张本大赛拉胯
Wan Lin performed well in Tokyo Olympics and is a "major" player, and Harimoto falters in majors
2023-12-12 15:56
咒術少校: 回复 麻辣虾尾 :那摩托世錦世界杯也擊敗了國乒絕對主力阿 大賽方面我當持平 但其他高級賽摩托完全吊打灣林 灣林除剛的冠軍賽外完全沒有哪怕一座的高階單打冠軍 摩托別說冠軍賽級數了 光是總決賽冠軍 亞洲杯冠軍 在成績上已經足夠把灣林吊起來打了
Moto also defeated the absolute main force of CNT in the WTTC and World Cup. I'll rate them the same in majors, but in other high-level comps Moto completely creams Wan Lin. Except for the WTT CS, Wan Lin has no high-level singles title. For Moto, let alone the WTT CS, just being WTGF champion and Asian Cup champion are enough to cream Wan Lin in terms of results.
2023-12-12 16:19
枉此嘉言懿行: 回复 咒術少校 :摩托也就世界杯高光了一下,世锦赛水的一批
Moto only shone in the World Cup, and sucks in WTTC.
2023-12-12 18:16
咒術少校: 回复 枉此嘉言懿行 :世錦單打8強就跟前一水鳥一樣級數 在他日可不拉 何況世錦團體簡直有如神級 再者也沒打算討論摩托的事情就是比較一下摩托跟灣林的成績 何來灣林比摩托高分
2023-12-12 18:32
QF in WTTC singles is equivalent to Mizutani's level. It doesn't suck in Japan. What's more, he is simply god level in WTTTC. Besides, I didn't plan to get hung up on Moto, I'm comparing the results of Moto and Wan Lin. How come Wan Lin has better odds than Moto?
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
22 pts vs 44 pts in 4 games Bo7
Harimoto vs WCQ
24 pts vs 34 pts in 3 games Bo5
F. Lebrun vs WCQ
31 pts vs 42 pts in 4 games Bo5
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So a red card was given to Xiang/Yuan along with a point to the Lebrun team. But the point was taken away seconds later. What does a red card entail?
A yellow red to be exact. Another yellow red would have given the brothers two more points. That umpire had some huge balls to make that call in that moment.
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