TableTennisDaily Montage (2012)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Read 1 reviews
Haha Sir YY, you appear to love using your nice BH a little bit a LOT, eh?

You would love my friend BH-Man how he uses hiz BH over at MyTT forum...

I willl check on him, Sir! Thanks!

Indeed I love to use my backhand a little bit LOT ;)
It is most dandy if you could teach me how to forehand loop properly though :p
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YosuaYosan, why do all your opponent play their balls to your BH? If I were your opponent I would be so scared of your BH that I will put all the balls into your FH......

Also, you do a lot of troll shots like Ma Lin and Waldner.... it would be really frustrating to play you.... :)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Read 1 reviews
lol YosuaYosan, you have an Ovtcharov BH! :OOOOOO
YosuaYosan, why do all your opponent play their balls to your BH? If I were your opponent I would be so scared of your BH that I will put all the balls into your FH......

Also, you do a lot of troll shots like Ma Lin and Waldner.... it would be really frustrating to play you.... :)

Haha why thanks man :)
From my analysis I think my opponent actually give a balanced amount ball to both my backhand and forehand, around 50-50. Probably it seems that they give lotsa balls to my backhand because I am uploading a montage :p

When everything is according to plan I usually get the backhand kill through this main two factor:
The first is that the opponent themselves got no actual strategy so they don't actually care where to put the ball, leading to many backhand kills.
The second is that in my service I usually give an impression of giving more sidespin (reverse pendulum) in my serves than it actually contain (I actually give pure backspin or no spin). Thus the overcompensating opponent give way to my backhand kills through pop ups or easy backspin balls to my backhand.
The third, I simply give little option to my opponents through ball placement while opening up many chances for me to attack (esp. my backhand). So I think it's also about forcing an opponent creates opening for myself through variation (incl. the so called troll shots) and ball placement.

Now that you know my tactic, it seems that I am the one who's gonna get frustated playing YOU, BlahnessMan ;)
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