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  1. Regluing rubbers

    Thanks for the answer. So its kind of a habit from the times when speed glue was widely used?
  2. Regluing rubbers

    Some players say that regluing new rubbers after a few hours of playing boost their performance. I do agree that brand new rubbers feel a little weird, but i dont consciously reglue them like that . What are your thoughts on regluing rubbers? Id be very happy if you shared you experience with...
  3. Dhs H301 vs Butterfly innerforce alc blades

    I like playing with softer rubbers, so im thinking about pairing them with a faster blade. H301 is really good, but im looking for something new
  4. Yasaka Rakza 7 soft vs Nittaku Fastarc C-1

    What about something like fx-s? I dont mind playing with mx-p on my backhand, but it lacks control in short pushes. Would fx-s be a good compromise between the control of rakza 7 soft and catapult and speed of mx-p?
  5. Yasaka Rakza 7 soft vs Nittaku Fastarc C-1

    Do these rubbers work well on backhand? Does rozena really have more catapult, ive heard its pretty insensitive to spin
  6. Yasaka Rakza 7 soft vs Nittaku Fastarc C-1

    How does the fastarc c-1 compare to rakza 7 soft? Im looking for a soft rubber but maybe a little faster than rakza 7 soft. What other similar rubbers are there?
  7. Dhs H301 vs Butterfly innerforce alc blades

    I'm a bit worried about quality control. Doesnt ovtcharov alc or harimoto alc have plenty of dwell time? paired with softer rubbers they should have plenty of control and gears, no?
  8. Dhs H301 vs Butterfly innerforce alc blades

    What about harimoto alc? Is it still faster than h301?
  9. Dhs H301 vs Butterfly innerforce alc blades

    Does something like ovtcharov alc have as many gears as h301 or would it be hard and uncontrollable in the short game?
  10. Dhs H301 vs Butterfly innerforce alc blades

    How does the DHS Hurricane 301 compare to the butterfly innerforce blades like ovtcharoc alc, harimoto alc etc. Im considering an upgrade from h301 and im curious how about different they are