Backhand rubber vega x ?

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Apr 2023
Vega X is one of the bounciest rubbers there is in that hardness range. If that is an issue, better go for something less bouncy like G-1 or even rakza Z, Joola GTPS or Nittaku PK 50 Sieger.
The list is sorted by bounciness (later being less bouncy)
I have Vega X and Rakza Z on one of my rackets, that I sometimes train with, and these two rubbers are worlds apart, to a degree that it gets uncomfortable. RZ is much slower and you have to generate speed, and this transition is not easy to me when your FH rubber is so fast and has so much catapult. It's almost like having T5 on FH and H3 on BH.
I'd rather suggest 47.5 GoldArc 8 on BH, it is much closer to Vega X, similar speed and grip, a bit less bouncy, higher arc and more control. It's an excellent BH rubber. G1 would be OK as well probably, but I prefer GA8 on BH, especially over the table, it doesn't slip on thin brushes like G1, you don't need to always engage the sponge. (Then again, I like GA8 on FH as well, so I might be biased).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2020
FWIW, I just glued Vega X on my blade and Tibhar MXP on friend's blade and measured the hardness. The Vega X was consistenly 47,5 and the MXP was 45. I must say I'm pretty happy that Vega X doesn't get super positive reviews. It makes the price good. But I guess this is just the sign of our current times, there is so many rubbers, that it is very easy to find excellent rubbers, which happen to be non-mainstream ;)